West Sussex Teaching School Hub

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

GLF Schools

West Sussex Schools

Sussex Maths Hub - Professional Development Offers

Available PD Courses: Early Years and Primary 

Mastering Number KS1

Mastering Number KS2

Mastery Programme (Primary) 

SKTM Early Years

SKTM Primary Teachers 

SKTM Primary Teaching Assistants 

SKTM Primary ECT 

Available PD Courses: Secondary 

Mastery Programme (Secondary)

Secondary Maths Subject Leaders Community

Secondary MAT Maths Leads

Securing Foundations at Year 7

SKTM Secondary ECT

SKTM Secondary Non-Specialist Teachers

SKTM Secondary Teaching Assistants 

Primary & Secondary 

Year 5 - 8 Continuity 

Secondary & Post-16

Cross Phase - Supporting Low Attainers (L2 Qualification)


Developing Core Maths Pedagogy

New to Teaching Core Maths

Developing A Level Pedagogy


Targeted Support in Mathematics

Enhanced Support

The enhanced provision is targeted at schools identified by our Work Group Leads or by School Leaders as needing additional support in order for the hub’s existing offer to have greater impact.

For example, a school in a Mastery Work Group may need additional support in planning for a particular year group, or support in developing fluency or perhaps in using manipulatives.

Intensive Support

Intensive Support is accessible to schools that meet an agreed criteria and go through a referral process.

Schools may have never engaged with Sussex Maths Hub or, due to circumstances, have paused engagement.

Schools receiving Intensive Support can initially receive, on average, 6 days of bespoke support led by an Intensive Support Partner over an agreed period of time.

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