West Sussex Teaching School Hub

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

GLF Schools

West Sussex Schools

Appropriate Body News

Update: June 2024 Department of Education Briefing Pack

The DfE have published a Briefing Pack (click here and scroll to the bottom to download the pack) to provide information to schools about what is changing with local AB services and any choices school leaders and induction tutors may need to make about how they access AB services ahead of September 2024 to support the induction of ECTs.  The following summary provides an overview of the key changes, and more a more comprehensive explanation can be found within briefing pack itself:

  • From September 2024 local authorities (LAs) will cease operating as ABs, with Teaching School Hubs (TSHs) becoming the main provider of AB services. 
  • Schools who access AB services through a LA will need to ensure that all ECTs are registered with an alternative AB by 1 September 2024. 
  • Schools who currently access AB services through an LA will need to ensure that any ECTs who do not complete their induction by September 2024 are transferred to a TSH AB by 1 September 2024 (or a specialist AB for independent/overseas schools if applicable).
  • Schools are advised to make registration arrangements with their new AB at the earliest opportunity to ensure all ECTs have an AB in place in time for 1 September 2024. 


February 2024: Statutory Roles and Responsibilities in a Snapshot  

Statutory Induction Roles and Responsibilities

Clarification on the Appointment of Induction Tutors and Mentors  

The mentor and the induction tutor are two discrete roles with differing responsibilities and it is expected that these roles should be held by different individuals. In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary for the headteacher to designate a single teacher to fulfil both roles, which may be the headteacher/principal themselves. Where this is the case the headteacher should ensure that the induction tutor understands that they are fulfilling two discrete roles and that adequate safeguards are put in place to ensure that the mentoring support offered to the ECT is not conflated with assessment of the ECT against the Teachers’ Standards. 

(Source:  https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/induction-for-early-career-teachers-england)  

If you would like further guidance or support, please contact the team via ectsupport@glfschools.org or 0203 519 6453.