West Sussex Teaching School Hub

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

GLF Schools

West Sussex Schools

Intensive Support: Strengthening Maths Leadership

What is it?

Intensive Support is a relatively new initiative from Sussex Maths Hub, designed to help schools refine and strengthen leadership. This support is facilitated by Intensive Support Partners (ISP), all of whom are experienced Primary and Secondary leaders and teachers based across Sussex.  By working closely with an ISP, schools can benefit from tailored, sustained professional development that builds leadership capacity.

Over the last two years, several schools across Sussex have benefited from engaging in ‘Intensive Support’, we would like to share some of the collective experiences of some of these schools, and the key benefits in joining this initiative.

Why Engage with Intensive Support?

Schools often face evolving challenges, such as changes in leadership, curriculum adjustments, or the need to refine teaching strategies. Sussex Maths Hub’s Intensive Support initiative provides dedicated expertise, and collaborative support to help schools navigate these complexities.

ISPs work in partnership with leaders to build capacity within the school, as well as develop a supportive culture and good foundations for implementing improvements in the teaching and learning of maths. This is achieved through the ISP and the school working in partnership to explore, plan, deliver and sustain the implementation of a bespoke improvement plan.


Supporting Leaders and Teachers

Across multiple schools, Intensive Support has played a crucial role in making improvements in the quality of maths leadership and teaching. Many schools have found that having an ISP working alongside them has helped them reflect and explore current practice, identify priorities and outline bespoke plans that have been put action.

In 2023/24, most schools shared how this initiative had been invaluable, helping maths leaders to develop their skills, supporting them in becoming more proactive and/or confident in moving maths forward. One school shared how their maths lead was supported in implementing changes to the whole school approach to planning in maths, which not only helped improve the quality of teaching in specific year groups, but also contributed to establishing a culture of collaboration and shared expertise amongst staff.

Intensive Support focuses on incremental improvements rather than rapid overhauls, so as to support schools in identifying where best to put their efforts when prioritising ‘lasting change’, as well as ensure that the quality of teaching continues to develop and strengthen over time.

Key Takeaways from the Schools Involved in 2023-2024

Subject leaders…

  • found the process of co-constructing an implementation plan for maths beneficial and supportive
  • were confident in identifying key priorities for their school alongside their ISP
  • felt effective and confident at leading change in their school through using an effective cycle of implementation
  • were more confident in guiding staff effectively.


Interested in Applying:

Key information:

  • Cost? Intensive Support in Mathematics is fully funded , so is free to schools who are eligible and able to make the required commitment.
  • Release Time? Funded release time for school participants to develop and deliver the improvement work designed to fit their context. 
  • Number of Days? Ranging from a total of 4-5 day’s worth of support time across the academic year.
  • Phase? Open to both primary and secondary schools.


Who can take part?

Schools can apply if they do not currently have the capacity to engage with the standard Teaching for Mastery Programme.

To ensure a positive impact on teaching and learning in maths, schools need to be committed to making long-term improvements in maths, and to work closely with us over a number of years. This includes a commitment to joining a Teaching for Mastery Programme in future years.

Please contact Sussex Maths Hub to find out more about Intensive Support, and see if your school is eligible. 


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