West Sussex Teaching School Hub

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

GLF Schools

West Sussex Schools

Initial Teacher Training - Strategic Role

GLF West Sussex Teaching School Hub Strategic Role

GLF West Sussex Teaching School Hub has a strategic role in Initial Teacher Training, ensuring that we support all new candidates looking to teach in this region. We have valuable local knowledge of initial teacher training in order to signpost all Initial Teacher Training providers and routes for our region's school leaders. 

Schools: If you are a school looking to engage with teacher training, or looking to engage in a new teacher training route please get in touch with our Director, Angela Rodda, to discuss your needs/questions: arodda1@glfschools.org

Candidates: If you are an aspiring teacher looking for training programmes in your area, there are several providers based in Surrey and West Sussex.

Please click here for a link to the DFE Digital Brochure 24/25.

DFE Brochure image

Please watch our informational film here for more information on routes into teaching within the West Sussex region and/or email arodda1@glfschools.org

Promo video still Oct 24


We have also put together a detailed presentation on the Routes Into Teaching which can be accessed HERE.

Routes in Teaching Webinar

ITT Directory: Click HERE for a directory of potential ITT Providers, highlighting their offer so that both schools and potential trainee teachers can choose the most appropriate option for them.

Each graphic takes you to a specific page outlining the different provider offers and includes a link to the ITT provider's website with contact information to help you with your next step.

If you are an ITT provider and place trainees in our West Sussex region, we invite you to join this valuable ITT provider directory. Your information will not only enhance this resource for our schools and potential candidates but will also ensure your provision is signposted clearly. 

If you are a potential trainee teacher and want to talk to someone about the different training routes in teacher training, please get in touch to book a 1:1 appointment with our Teaching School Hub ITT department. Our TSH ITT lead can offer impartial advice on routes, different providers who can meet your practical and financial requirements, and will be able ro offer support with applications. 

Email tsh@glfschools.org or Telephone 02035196454


GLF Schools Teacher Training with Inspiring Future Teachers

GLF Teaching School Hub offers its Initial Teacher Training as a Lead Partner with Inspiring Future Teachers.

We have a training base in Surrey and offer both primary and secondary initial teacher training routes to serve both our GLF Trust Schools and our multiple non-GLF school partners. 

Visit our GLF Teacher Training Page for more information.

We are pleased to be working with Inspiring Future Teachers (IFT) which was created through a partnership of multi-academy trusts, Teaching School Hubs, Curriculum Hubs, Research Schools, and existing SCITT providers with many years of experience leading Initial Teacher Training in their local areas.

They offer all of the benefits of being part of an extensive national programme while providing locally delivered, school-based training in either a primary or a secondary school.

For more information on GLF Teacher Training's work with IFT in Surrey Inspiring Future Teaching - Surrey