West Sussex, Brighton and Hove Careers Hub
General contact: careers.hub@westsussex.gov.uk
Strategic Hub lead, Lisa Mobbs: lisa.mobbs@westsussex.gov.uk
Operational Hub Lead, Kelly Parkhouse: kelly.parkhouse@westsussex.gov.uk
We work with employers, schools, and colleges to raise students’ aspirations and prepare them for the fast-changing world of work. We link education and employment to help schools and colleges deliver high-quality careers education that meets the needs of every student.
Across England, there are 44 Careers Hubs covering all areas. Careers Hubs build on the work of the Enterprise Adviser Network (EAN), which partners secondary schools and colleges with volunteers from businesses to help them develop a strong careers programme in line with Careers and Enterprise Company values and priorities.
The West Sussex, Brighton and Hove Careers Hub, which is hosted by West Sussex County Council (WSCC), is funded by WSCC, Brighton & Hove City Council, the West Sussex districts and boroughs and The Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC). We work with schools, colleges, and employers to ensure careers education meets the highest standards to help every young person find their best next step.
Funded Careers Leader Training
Fully funded, flexible training - designed to support the growth of Careers Leaders at all levels.
Our training courses provide a huge opportunity for you as a Careers Leader to accelerate your school, special school or college towards achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Over 3,900 Careers Leaders have completed our fully funded, flexible training, and are using it to improve and develop their careers programmes.
Whether you're experienced or new to the role, with a choice of accredited and non- accredited flexible learning courses, there's a training course to help you inspire young people to find their next best step.
Teacher Encounters
A teacher encounter provides an opportunity for teachers to engage directly with employers to see and learn about the different career pathways relevant to their subjects, and to observe how their subject is applied practically in business.
Teachers can then meaningfully use these insights to enrich their curriculum teaching, helping their students build a deeper understanding of opportunities, connections between learning and industry and the essential skills that need to be honed for different roles.
Our Teacher Encounters programme at West Sussex, Brighton & Hove Careers Hub is a full day at the employer’s premises, with themes of the employability skills and how best to prepare young people for application processes.
The Careers Hub offer other opportunities for training and development throughout the year, including our Summer Conference for secondary schools, special schools, Alternative Provision Centres and Colleges, held annually in July. Contact Careers.Hub@westsussex.gov.uk for more info.
Please note that our offer only extends to state funded secondary schools and colleges, not primary.
Who are The Careers and Enterprise Company?
The Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC), the national body for careers education in England, was set up in 2015 to deliver 21st-century careers education and drive strategic change throughout the careers education landscape.
They work to:
- Train and support Careers Leaders in schools and colleges,
- Bring together employers, educators and Further Education/Higher Education and Independent Training providers
through their network of Careers Hubs, - Share best practices, practical digital tools and resources.
How we support schools and colleges that support young people with SEND:
- Provide day-to-day support tailored to your school or college's needs with our SEND Enterprise Coordinator;
- Advise on which careers programme providers, activities and resources are most effective;
- Run a community of practice for careers professionals in special schools and who work with young people with SEND;
- Offer a bank of resources used by professionals across the country;
- Work with local employers to coordinate experiences of the workplace for your students that are tailored to their needs.